Osteopathy is a paramedical treatment method based on touch, which sees the body as a single unit. It aims to treat the root cause and help alleviate pain through improving body movement and normal functioning of its various systems.
The method follows the following principles:
- The body is a unit; the person is a unit of body, mind, and spirit. Therefore, injury to one organ will affect the function of other organs.
- The body is capable of self-regulation, self-healing, and health maintenance.
- Structure and function are reciprocally interrelated.
- It is important to maintain mobility, regular blood flow and normal nerve conduction.
Osteopathy deals with diagnosis and healing using unique manual therapy techniques. The osteopathic treatment complements general medicine and focuses on the causes that create the pain and imbalance in the body.
The human body can withstand life’s challenges under the condition that all body systems function together in harmony. The body has the inherent capacity to maintain balance and repair itself. For various reasons, such as illness, trauma or chronic problems, the function of organs or regions of the body may be impaired; these local problems radiate to nearby organs, and eventually, to the entire body.
The osteopath has the capacity to diagnose the root cause leading to the causal chain of problems and address their source. Injuries to the various systems of the body have one thing in common: the negative impact on mobility, and consequently – on normal body function. This leads, for example, to difficulty and imbalance in the flow of blood and lymph fluid, in respiration, in digestion, and in the secretion of hormones. The osteopathic treatment restores balance and mobility to the affected area and thus generates a chain reaction of improved functioning – a self-healing process.
Osteopathy is a touch therapy in which the therapist’s hands constitute the main means of treatment, excluding instruments or drugs. Diagnosis is performed through observation and palpation of the problematic tissues and organs; the palpation reveals subtle differences in stiffness and flexibility, temperature, mobility, texture and moisture. The therapist might use medical tests such as X-rays, CT scans and blood tests.
During treatment, the osteopath will use his hands to apply moderate pressure and to gently stretch, mobilize and manipulate body parts in order to loosen rigid and immobile regions, restore regular function, and stimulate a process of recovery. The osteopath’s capabilities are based on a high level of skill and an excellent command of human anatomy and physiology.
Osteopathy ascribes importance to a healthy lifestyle, suitable for the patient, will support his healing process. The osteopath will explain to the patient how to keep a proper diet and appropriate exercise, and instruct him how to optimally perform the daily activities at home and at work. The meticulous diagnosis and in depths examination of each patient, enable the osteopath to provide an individual course of treatment, perfectly suited to the patient’s condition and his medical circumstances.